FLARES is the E.A. Young Academy parent organization which supports the EAYA community throughout the year with scholar events, teacher appreciation and teacher grants. Click here to be magically transported to the FLARES home page.

We hope your first month of school has gone well and that your scholars are happy.
I'm Tara Johnson, this year's FLARES president, parent of an alum as well as a 10th grader. I wanted to introduce FLARES, Young's version of PTO, and explain what we do and how we can use your help.
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Grants
Teacher Trainings
Gingerbread Build
Firehawk Store
Lower/Middle/Upper School Activity Support - parties, dances, etc.
FallFest/Punkin' Chunkin'
Market Day Support
Student Appreciation
Spirit Wear
Used Uniforms
Pizza Thursdays
Senior Appreciation
You’ve Been Hawked
Last Day Treat Truck and more!
We have an Executive Board of 5 as well as supporting project coordinators. This small group organizes all these activities and makes the magic happen for our scholars and teachers.
You will see notices on the (Firehawk Families) Facebook & Instagram (@flares.eayoung) pages and emails sharing the upcoming activities and how you can help.
If you have any questions about FLARES or school or want to be matched up with a buddy to help explain the weird ways of E.A. Young, email me. If you read this far, you are amazing-
Thank you,
Tara Johnson
Flares President 2023-2024